Are you exercising properly as a cheerleader?

Being a cheerleader is the same as being an athlete, so you have to train like one. But instead of just random workouts, how about being specific in your exercises so that you get the most out of it as a cheerleader? For example, a tennis player’s training is specific to his sport, just like other athletes are to theirs. Target areas like your flexibility, strength, and aerobic conditioning to help you stay in shape.

There is no way you can be an effective cheerleader without being flexible. Many poses require a lot of flexibility and you must train for it. In addition to being flexible enough to do routines, it will help prevent injuries. You should do at least 10 to 15 minutes of stretching each day if possible. Try to stretch in the positions you will do, such as scorpion or freedom.

As for your strength, you need to work your legs for a good vertical jump, your midsection or core, and your arms and shoulders. Depending on your position on the team will determine where you can focus your strength the most, although a good general level of fitness will benefit you.

For their aerobic conditioning, many will only go for a run a few times a week. To get the most out of your aerobic conditioning, you should do sprints, jump rope, or any other exercise that gets your heart rate up quickly. You don’t need to make your training a lengthy process. Do it and move on.

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