Anatomy of: What is a bad marriage?

What a bad marriage is basically a long-term relationship that makes one or both spouses unhappy! Unfortunately, there are many reasons why this happens to a couple in marriage, and it is becoming a worldwide trend.

They say that marriage is for better or for worse, and to a certain extent, that should be true to a certain extent. For example, if one of you is struggling with something personal like the death of a loved one or a problem with certain people, and you get sick, you should be there to support each other.

However, the things that make a marriage bad that do not fall into this category are things like adultery, violence, alcoholism, lying, and even jealousy.

Marriage is about being REAL! And to sum it all up, the fact is when you ask “what is a bad marriage“It all comes down to something not being real with your partner.

An example of that statement is:

Harry and Sally! They are married and have three children, two of their own and one who is Harry’s stepson. They were actually a couple who dated a bit in high school and then went their separate ways and met again later in life.

At the beginning of their relationship, things were fantastic as they reminisced about the old days, they thought they were in love, and they thought it was safe to get married. They quickly had a couple of children together.

Harry had a great relationship with his stepson and he really wanted to be a good father to him. However, as her own children grew up, Sally became jealous of Harry’s relationship with her son, and began to tear them apart! Because, to this day, some strange and unknown reason! I think Sally was turning unreal.

As you can imagine, this began to put intense pressure on their marriage, and from then on, a lot of things started to go terribly wrong. Harry would try to talk to Sally, but she would always deny everything he tried to say.

The problem grew to the point that there would be two sets of rules in the house, one for the two biological children and one for the stepson, this was just as confusing for them as it was for Harry.

That story is a fairly common example of how easy a terrible marriage can become. It is very important to keep it real with your spouse and with yourself …

A bad marriage is one that is jealous! When you are subject to envious behavior, you can and do alienate anyone from you. Or when one spouse thinks they are better than the other and treats the other half with a negative sense of dominance and disrespect. In general, if you have, or if you feel like your spouse has given up, you are surely experiencing some kind of bad marriage …

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