An ideal room temperature and how it generates income

On September 27, 2010, the National Weather Service reported that the recorded temperature in downtown Los Angeles reached 113 degrees Fahrenheit and could have been higher had the thermometer not malfunctioned, thus requiring immediate repair. It was the highest temperature ever recorded since the station began keeping records in 1877.

With the extreme ambient temperatures the world is experiencing today, the invention of the air conditioning system is one of the most important products of man’s ingenuity. Before, air conditioning used to be a luxury, but today it has become a necessity for every individual. Air conditioning, which is human intervention against rising temperatures, especially in the mid-afternoon when the sun is at its hottest, is unparalleled in terms of providing comfort to every individual.

How does the air conditioning system affect commercial establishments? In what aspect is it beneficial? Air conditioning, basic in any establishment, provides a comfortable working environment. Recent studies show that an office environment with a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius favors productivity, while a temperature of 25 degrees or higher reduces productivity by up to 15% and the incidence of accidents increases by 25%, since workers are constantly distracted by work. heat causing interruptions in work performance.

Stores, restaurants, supermarkets, malls, and more that have a well-functioning cooling system record more transaction counts compared to those that do not have an efficient central cooling system. Not only is customer revenue affected, but stock as well, as too much moisture causes moisture to build up, destroying merchandise and food products. With an ideal ambient temperature inside a mall, customers stay longer, so there is likely to be a greater chance of spending more.

A hotel, resort, and amusement and entertainment facility is rated not only for the quality of the entertainment it offers, but also for its central air conditioning facilities. Who would want to stay in a hotel when you sweat uncomfortably at night? How can one concentrate on a conversation when the air becomes too humid? More importantly, how can a guest recommend such a hotel if they had a terrible stay due to faulty air conditioning? There will certainly be no more repeat business or good word of mouth for such a poor experience.

Aren’t you worried that many of your employees are getting sick or that the number of transactions is decreasing day by day? Doesn’t it bother you that a large portion of your stock is down due to damage? You may not have noticed such differences, but now is the time to reassess the condition of your centralized cooling unit.

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