Aid! Why is my baby crying so much?

Babies cry for various reasons, but you can’t always decide why. If your baby cries a lot it can feel very traumatic, sometimes the trapped wind can make babies uncomfortable, but if you “burp” him before you put him to bed to rest, it will help. In the middle of a feed, sit your baby upright on your knee, gently prop him forward with your hand on his chest, thumb and forefinger under his chin, which gently lifts your baby’s chest away from your tummy , then rub or pat him on the back. This will dislodge any wind. Another way is to hold him up to the shoulder and rub or pat her back. Either way, you are extending your body slightly, rather than being in a crouched position. Protect your clothes with a cloth to avoid stains from regurgitated milk, with the burp. Repeat this at the end of the feeding. Your baby may already be very sleepy and ready for a nap. There are preparations that can be given to babies with a lot of wind who suffer from colic pain, if this is the baby’s problem, watch out for him to bend his legs with a tummy ache and a lot of screaming. Consult your pharmacist for advice.

If you pick up your baby as soon as he cries, he will learn to cry for the comfort of being picked up. Native women carry their babies on their backs with them all day, babies love close body contact; you have felt warm and safe for the past 9 months being comforted by the rhythm of your heartbeat. However, you need to decide how much time you need off your baby for other activities around the house and what feels right for you. Some moms They love to hold their babies for long periods of time, but babies need a lot of sleep to grow and develop.

Some babies cry non-stop and as a new mom this can be very stressful and worrying. You are probably sleep deprived and just as anxious and upset as they are. Maybe your mom or a friend can give you a break for a while to catch up on some sleep or a break. Don’t be afraid to ask.

If you get really desperate and have checked for wind and other possible causes, put the baby safely in his crib, close the door and go, he will be safer there than you, increasingly anxious and stressed. Put on some music and relax or take care of something to distract yourself from her distant crying, she will probably fall asleep in a few minutes. You probably have a baby monitor to monitor it.

Some moms to choose to wrap small babies to make them feel secure, this is done by taking a small soft blanket or flannel sheet, placing them over it and wrapping it, not too tight but reasonably close, wrapping them and their arms in it, this can help them feel warm and sure. This could help if your baby feels insecure.

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