African American Hair: Tips for Getting Semi-Relaxed, Healthy Curls

Although it can be difficult to manage, African-American hair is extremely versatile in terms of being able to achieve a wide variety of hairstyles. For many women, the ideal style is a loose, semi-relaxed curl that still has plenty of body and moisture and won’t dry out or dull with harsh hair products.

Here are some tips to keep African American hair soft, flowing, manageable, and healthy:

1. The bottom line for smooth, healthy black hair is moisture. Start by moisturizing your hair from the inside out. Drink a lot of water!

2. Select the right shampoo, using one that is rich in moisture and that detangles as it cleanses without stripping hair of all its natural oils. Also, don’t over-shampoo, as this can strip your hair of moisture. Wash your hair no more frequently than every week or week and a half. And shampoo only once, never twice.

3. Be sure to rinse out the shampoo completely before the conditioner, and be patient: leave the conditioner on for several minutes to help moisturize your hair. Step out of the shower and cover your hair with a towel or shower cap while you organize your jewelry or makeup tray or remove old nail polish, just so you’re not tempted to shorten the moisturizing time.

4. Try hemp-based moisturizers on your hair, like Malibu Hemp Moisturizer for Dry Skin, as a hair moisturizer too.

5. After rinsing out the conditioner, towel dry and add natural plant oils back to your hair, such as grapeseed oil, almond oil, or a very light application of virgin olive oil. Use the palms of your hands to smooth one of these shine-enhancing oils evenly through your hair, then comb or brush your hair to make sure the ends are moisturized as well.

6. Apply a smoothing product such as Curlaway® Relaxing Gel, which is natural and semi-permanent. As Curlaway relaxes the curl, it also hydrates it with vegetable oils, vitamin B-5 (panthenol) and MSM. Unlike fast-acting alkaline relaxers, Curlaway Gel can be used on chemically straightened, permed or color-treated hair, allowing for highlighting or even toning.

7. All heating devices can dry out and damage hair. It’s best to use a mid-range setting and let your hair dry naturally by pulling the rollers firmly. Ironing your hair while it is damp or slightly damp can cause breakage and severe damage.

8. For elegant, romantic waves, pin your hair in large rollers or use narrow rollers for bouncy, sensual curls.

9. For a casual, tousled look, use a medium barrel curling iron and let the curls fall where they will.

10. After using rollers under the blow dryer cap or air drying naturally, running your fingers through your hair a few times after you finish straightening will help smooth the hair and achieve a natural look.

11. To maintain great volume, use a flat iron only on top layers and in front for a smooth, frizz-free look while curlier hair underneath adds volume.

12. Find a style that works with your natural hair type and growth pattern, and don’t over-straighten your hair until it’s completely straight, straw-colored and lifeless with no body or curl. Show off your curls! Try to work with your hair and not against it.

13. Eat a balanced and HEALTHY diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein and your hair will grow faster and healthier too.

The bottom line is, for healthy-looking, semi-relaxed hair, use relaxers and mild shampoos, plenty of moisture, and avoid excessive heat.

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