Advantages of aerial advertising compared to traditional and online advertising

In this modern era, people like innovative and unique things. Gone are the days when you could captivate your consumers with a brightly colored static billboard on the roadside or a few catchy lines in the newspaper ad. The daily life of individuals has become so full of activities that the traditional type of advertising is losing prominence. Internet advertising or online advertising also has its limitations, especially when it comes to reaching the core audience. is there any other solution? Yes, aircraft advertising. If you want to express your feelings or promote your brand or service, aerial advertising can do it masterfully.

Let’s understand what is advertising and then we can find out how aerial advertising has an edge over its competitors. Advertising is a form of communication to persuade your consumers (sometimes also called your audience, i.e. viewers, readers, listeners) to buy your products or take some action on the offers or services you offer. Advertising typically highlights the name of your brand, product, or service and what benefits it offers to consumers. Advertising has been recognized as one of the most important business needs since the late 19th century because no matter how good your product is, it won’t attract mass consumers until you advertise it correctly.

Traditional advertising makes use of traditional media, ie newspapers, radio and television, while online or new style advertising is done through the Internet and text messages. During the last three quarters of 2009, old media suffered strong decreases: TV 10.1%, Radio 11.7%, Magazines 14.8% and Newspapers 18.7%. Online advertising has generated excitement over the last two decades, but it has its own limitations.

With aircraft banners, your ads are presented to potential consumers in the most effective and attractive way. There are different options of how your advertising message is presented to consumers through aerial advertising, i.e. a plane flying in the air with an aerial billboard, letter banner or logo board, airships and writing on heaven. To learn about the advantages of aerial advertising compared to traditional and online advertising, read the following lines.

If you want to reach only primary and potential consumers, in-flight advertising is second to none. You can find the target market and the plane will fly over that area alone, whereas in other advertising methods you have to present your message to the majority of consumers with a small percentage of your target audience.

Some people think that aerial ads are an expensive option, however, they are surprised to learn the real cost. The cost is about 50 cents per thousand prospects, unlike the high cost of TV, newspaper, or Internet ads.

Every time someone hears an airplane, they instinctively look up. It means that your advertising campaign will not escape the consumer’s view as they do not have the option to change the channel or skip the page containing ads.

Unlike traditional media, due to its aerial advertising uniqueness, it does not face much competition.

Aerial advertising typically takes place where there is a mass gathering, i.e. spring break beaches, NASCAR, concerts, conventions, football, baseball, state fairs, parades, cruise lines. During these events, your consumers will be free of stress and in a positive mindset, so the impact of your ad will be much more positive.

You can attract very busy people to your marketing campaign, i.e. people driving, in offices, etc.

Last but not least, you get rid of all production and administration costs and overheads, all you have to do is consult a professional company who will take care of all logistics, design and advertising according to your needs. your requirements.

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