It’s the (growth of the) economy, stupid

Liberals’ class warfare targets our way of life

Let me explain why I think every American family should have at least one good, strong business company these days.

When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992 against George HW Bush, he responded to reporters who feared he could not unseat the president who had successfully waged the first Gulf War: “It’s the economy, stupid,” he said. His claim was that he could convince Americans that the economy was a mess, and he did…by claiming that the free market was not doing a very good job of “income redistribution.” The class struggle, as a political weapon, enjoyed a good season.

Since Clinton asserted that “the era of big government is over,” and through his replacement first by a fiscally liberal Republican and then by a Democrat who can only be described as a socialist, government has grown by leaps and bounds. as is his addiction to massive spending. Today, the big three benefits (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security) have automatic annual spending increases built into them and total 60% of government outlays.

Big government and big spending are the paths to destruction and economic ruin. But these days, all the institutions that influence American public opinion—the government, the media, the entertainment industry, labor unions, and academia—are pushing for both. They want you to believe that “the rich” get away with murder, and they shout this accusation every time a conservative whispers such heretical ideas as cutting public spending or lowering our sky-high tax rates. If you have half a brain, you can see where they’re going with this: the bigger the government, especially through entitlement spending, the more dependent you are on the government for handouts… and the more control over your day to day. -day of life that the government (and those other institutions) would then have.

Gerald Ford said that “a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.”

It’s really about his power, stupid.

So what is the alternative? you ask. Are you really suggesting that we have TAX CUTTINGS for the RICH?

Yes, yes I am. Because, as others have pointed out, you’re never going to get a job from a poor person.

Every time tax rates have been slashed (especially when accompanied by spending cuts), the economy has prospered, jobs have become more plentiful, the number of taxpayers has increased, the number of tax recipients (through of government “entitlements” ) has gone down, and the actual amount of tax money paid to the government has gone up… UP. A lot. Calvin Coolidge slashed taxes, and between 1922 and 1929 (the “Roaring Twenties”), the US economy grew 4.7% per year, unemployment fell to 3.2% (about a third of the current rate ) and tax revenue collected from “the rich” (yes, the same group Coolidge had provided tax breaks to) skyrocketed from $300 million to $700 million per year. When Ronald Reagan reprized the 1981 tax cut bill for the rich, even as ruthlessly criticized by the media as conservatives are today, the nation entered the longest and strongest period of economic growth in its history.

To the contrary, every time collectivists/statists have had an opportunity to move the nation away from job-creating free enterprise and toward big government socialism, the opposite has been true every time. In America, Herbert Hoover wanted to feed everyone and loved to play the class war card. Within months of taking office as president, the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt grew government big and extended the Depression while everyone was distracted by World War II. And those have been mild nudges toward socialism compared to collectivist experiments tried elsewhere. The problem with socialism, as Maggie Thatcher once said, is that eventually you run out of other people’s money… and, typically, when collectivist states have started to run out of money, they’ve had to go to war to try to take resources from other nations (see Nazi Germany), or have simply had to go out of business (see Soviet Russia).

Now, look beyond what the media is trying to sell you these days, and just ask yourself this: which way is your government currently trying to lead you? I think you know the answer. The Democrats are pushing the socialist pedal to the metal, and the Republicans seem powerless to do more than craft flimsy compromises to try to slow the “progressive” march toward economic ruin. So the experts say things are going to get MUCH worse before they get better, and we’re likely to see tough times soon that make the Great Depression look like the salad days.

So start a business. Run an internet business on the side, if nothing else. You need some sort of escape hatch when the crisis hits, and our eventual recovery will depend on entrepreneurship… so start building your entrepreneurial muscles NOW. And investing in precious metals, as a hedge against hyperinflation that will eventually wipe out all the value once attached to the Almighty Dollar.

America will rise again… but it will take a devastating period of economic disaster to convince a new generation that capitalism beats socialism every time.

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

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