Trust in God – He will not let you down

Not long ago I heard about a lady who had lost a lot of money because she had met someone who convinced her to invest their money in his business. The company, as it turned out, was non-existent. The lady had been the victim of a scam. She had trusted someone who wasn’t who she said she was and something that wasn’t real.

The Bible warns in Psalm 118:8 that “It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in people.” (NCV) When you put your trust in people, many times they fail you. However, when you put your trust in the One who created you, who knows you and cares about you, you can totally depend on Him. He will never let you down.

The Bible also tells us in Proverbs 18:24 that there is a friend who is closer to you than a brother. That friend is Jesus. He is the true lover of your soul. He loved you so much that He wanted to come down from his glorious throne in heaven to live and then die so that we can live again with Him. He is now in heaven interceding with God the Father for you and me. Now, that’s someone you can really trust.

If you have a need, Jesus says that all you have to do is “Ask, and it will be given to you.” (Matthew 7:7) But, there is a stipulation about it. When you ask, you must trust that God will do what you ask. This is noted in Matthew 21:22. “And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive it.” (NKJV)

Sometimes it is not easy to trust God. When things seem to be going wrong, when people disappoint you, when you are suffering, when your finances are not good, when you or someone you love is sick, or when various trials and problems come your way, it can be difficult. Trust God to take care of things. But to go through this life here on earth, we must trust in God. We must have faith in the One who knows everything and wants to take care of all our needs.

So what can we do to increase our faith so that we can trust Him? Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. If you have trouble trusting God, you need to read his Word. Every day you need to read God’s Word, the Bible, and learn more about Him, about His character. Then you will begin to trust Him more.

When you meet someone for the first time, you don’t know them. You have to spend time with them. Get to know them by talking to them, listening to them. Then you will know if they are genuine or not, if you can trust them. The same method applies with God. To trust him, you have to spend time with him. Talk to him. Read his Word. Listen to what He has to say. Then your faith will grow. So you can believe. So you can ask. Then you can receive.

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