3 Ways to Increase Email Open Rates

Email open rates have been stubbornly low for several years. Several studies conducted over the last three to four years have shown that only about 21% of all email marketing messages are opened. That means eight out of ten of your customers are ignoring you. That’s not good.

The main sector, religion, is being ignored by more than half of its email congregation, even with a whopping 48% open rate. It seems religious emails can’t preach to converts as much as they’d like.

So why are so many email marketing messages being ignored and what can you do about it? Here are three things that will increase your open rate.

1. Have something interesting, useful and relevant to say

Email marketing messages that are just that, marketing, are frankly a waste of time and money. Your emails are interrupting the day of your customers and prospects. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you’re sitting in a restaurant, having a nice time with friends, when suddenly someone rushes up to your table brandishing something and says “would you like to buy this?” No doubt politely, maybe not so politely, he would ignore them or tell them to go away. However, when you’re sitting down working or doing cool stuff online, some email marketing oiks do the exact same thing, interrupting you by saying “hey, how about you buy this?” However, go back to that imaginary restaurant. What if your conversation is interrupted by the person at the next table with really interesting and useful information? Chances are, you’re more likely to listen. The same goes for emails: if they are interesting and provide useful information that we can use, then we are more willing to accept that interruption. The reason so few marketing emails are opened is because they are marketing emails. Turn them into informational emails and you will greatly increase your chances of getting opened. Think “how can I help my clients” and not “what can I sell to my clients”.

2. Use your recipient’s name and other details

If someone talks to you and never mentions you by name, you distance yourself psychologically from them. Your name is one of the most important aspects of your own identity and when other people use it, you become attached to them more easily. Similarly, when they ask you “how are your kids” or “did you finish your decoration” they are showing that they are interested in you. Emails get low open rates because they largely show interest in the company sending the message, rather than the recipient. Email marketing software, of course, allows you to use a person’s first name, but there’s more to personalization than that. It may collect other personal data, such as location, job title, interests, etc., that you use in your emails. The more you customize, the better; in fact, research shows that if you use the person’s name in the email subject line, it dramatically increases your open rate. Showing people that you like them as an individual will get you higher open rates.

3. Make your subject lines look like newspaper headlines

Newspaper headline writers have spent years figuring out how to create the perfect group of words to make people want to read something. Studies show that the headlines that get the most readers are those that are active, not passive. They also contain emotion and are not just flat statements. In addition, they include human interest. If you use the recipient’s name in your subject line, your human interest exists. So that just leaves you with two other considerations: active emotion. Instead of saying things like “Job Outlook Update,” say “George, here’s how to get a raise”—it’s on the same topic, but it has emotion and suggests action. Also, notice that the number of words has increased. Newspaper headlines and email subject lines that contain between 6 and 11 words tend to attract the most readers. Avoid short subject lines in emails – aim for 10 words, that will also get you more opens.

So there you have it, three key ways to open your emails. You may have noticed a theme: Focus on your customer, put yourself in their shoes, and you’ll increase your chances of getting your emails opened.

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