A dangerous and polarizing message: 10 examples

Unlike most of his predecessors, President Donald Trump has often resorted to articulating a somewhat dangerous and polarizing message, rather than a unifying one. We should have been prepared for this kind of behavior, based on his prepolitical behaviors, his campaign rhetoric, etc., but few anticipated the degree, we have witnessed, of this seemingly constant bombardment. Many believe that we need someone who is ready, willing and able to put, united, back in the United States of America, but we have witnessed the opposite! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 10 disturbing examples of this.

1. Impeach / Name – Call your political opponents during the Republican primaries: Making unsubstantiated statements about Ted Cruz’s father, referring to Jed Bush, as boring, calling Marco Rubio, Small frame, etc., should have taught us, what it is like, and prepared, for its repetitive pattern, to resort to this behavior.

two. Numerous ethnic / racial slurs and / or suggestive statements: Referring to Mexican men, like, Bad men and referring, on several occasions, to rapists, drug traffickers, etc., is not something we should want in our President. Continuing that pattern, with regard to the Arabs, blaming them and grouping them as terrorists, indicated their way of thinking! Your statements to and about people of color, often using patronizing language, rhetoric, and references, should not be tolerated and / or acceptable.

3. Statements about Hillary Clinton: Who can forget the accusations and rhetoric used by Trump, during his campaign, against Hillary Clinton? His assertions, without proof, about his emails, baseless / false statements regarding his behavior / actions, regarding Benghazi, etc., demonstrated a clear pattern of using vitriol as a campaign weapon!

Four. Lies / smears about opposition politicians: Every time someone makes a statement, or takes a position, that Trump perceives as an opponent, he again uses lies, smears and insults, following what many call his agenda, of diverting attention, blaming and complaining!

5. Lying about the bunker: There is nothing wrong with any president following the Secret Service’s personal security suggestions and moving to the White House bunker. Why, then, did Trump feel he had to say that he only went there to inspect it?

6. The Lafayette Park Controversy: It is unheard of in this country for a president to use the military against Americans. The right to assemble / protest and freedom of expression are supposed to be respected and protected! However, during the recent mostly peaceful protests in Washington DC, as part of the Black lives are important National rallies / protests, and forcibly evicting peaceful protesters, using smoke, etc. led to the head, Trump doesn’t care! Doing this, apparently, for a Photoshoot in front of a church, he made this seem, even more despicable!

7. Equating protesters with looters and arsonists: Peaceful protesters are adequately expressing their concerns and doing so within their rights! Looters and arsonists, as well as violent policemen, are criminals! Matching the two groups is unfair and untrue!

8. ANTIFA Conspiracy theory: Using his pattern of blame and complaint, the current occupant of the White House has accused, without any proof, that ANTIFA was at fault for any kind of violence, and stating that they should be considered domestic terrorists. Even ignoring, there is no law that defines domestic terrorism, how could a group of anarchists be categorized, without any leader or organization, while he does not condemn white supremacists, neo-Nazis and members of the KKK?

9. Message about the 75-year-old man, in Buffalo, NY: With absolutely no evidence, and even less apparent empathy, President Trump, using Twitter, questioned this man’s affiliation with ANTIFA, and proclaimed, he fell harder than he was pushed! This, while the man is still in the hospital, after head injuries!

10. More than 3 years of vitriol: If I were to try, individually, to list examples of the virulence and polarization of this president, it would take several pages! How does this type of language and behavior benefit the American public?

Wake up, America, and demand much better than the polarizing rhetoric that we are witnessing. If we don’t, sooner, eventually, we will no longer recognize our beloved nation!

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