Where Can I Get Nursing CEUs?

Get Nursing CEUs

Throughout your nursing career, you will need to earn continuing education units, or CEUs, to maintain your license. Generally, CEUs must be taken from a provider that is recognized by your state’s Board of Registered Nursing. Certain states have specific content requirements, while others allow more leeway in the type of content taught. There are 16 states that do not require RNs to earn CEUs, and most of them do not require continuing education units.

Continuing education for nurses can be obtained through a variety of means, including free or low-cost online courses. Some states require their nurses to earn a certain number of units every two years. Other states, such as Delaware and Colorado, only require their nurses to earn a certain number of units. Free CEUs for Nurses are essential to keep up with new research, and many are required for licensure. They can be earned through continuing education courses, online classes, and hands-on labs.

A good place to find online nursing CEs is CEU.com. More than fifteen thousand healthcare professionals visit CEU.com on a monthly basis. Accredited course providers submit listings of their courses, and the site undergoes a rigorous checking process to make sure they are legitimate. At this time, there are 761 courses available in 45 categories. If you want to earn nursing CEs, this is the place to be.

Where Can I Get Nursing CEUs?

Not all states require CEUs, but many hospitals and health care organizations require nurses to maintain certain numbers of hours of education each year. Check with your hospital or unit educator to see how many hours they require. Then, there are several opportunities to earn nursing CEUs, including conferences, seminars, and online educational classes. There are also accredited academic nursing courses that count toward CEUs. These courses must meet state and accreditation requirements in order to qualify as CEUs.

To keep your license current, you must earn at least eight CEUs every three years. Continuing education units are essential for RNs to maintain their licenses. Some states require nursing educators to get eight CEUs per year, while others require twenty-four hours a year. For the most up-to-date information, check with your state board of nursing. The APRN requirements may differ from those of LPNs.

CEUs are valuable for many different reasons. Not only do they help nurses keep their license current, but they are also a great way to improve patient care. Some CEUs are even free! You can learn about new technologies and techniques in a course without paying a penny. The AACN also provides a great resource for nurses to get free CEUs. However, if you are concerned about your license, you should contact your state board before taking a course.

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