What color shawl to wear with a brown dress? Create moods through color

You can control the image or look you want by combining certain colors in your clothes and shawls.

A good starting point is a brown dress when building a wardrobe based on the use of accessories. Brown is an earthy, solid color that can function as a blank canvas. The addition of a shawl can dress it up or down, depending on the look you want to achieve.

If you want to appear more energetic and confident, vibrant colors are the way to go. Choose colors that are at the opposite end of the color wheel. Shades like purple and blue create an eye-catching contrast. If you wear a brown dress and a striking color like these, it indicates that you are ready to come out into the light.

On the other hand, there are some situations that call for more subdued garments. If you’re wondering what color shawl to wear with a brown dress if you want something classic, then go for shades that are close to brown on the color wheel. Examples of these include orange and yellow.

Play around with the different shades until you get the look you want. Burnt orange and khaki look pretty good together, as do mustard and dark brown. You can also go for a monochromatic look by combining a brown dress with a brown shawl. Just make sure you have different intensities to keep your outfit from looking messy.

The choice of what color shawl to wear with a brown dress should be made with the occasion in mind. Just like in any fashion scenario, victims are created when they don’t dress appropriately for the situation. Be careful when creating the mood through the use of color, as the effect can be disastrous. Inadvertently, you can make a fashion faux pas.

If the event you are dressing for is formal or somber, steer clear of shawls that are too bright. The contrast created with the brown dress can be too much. In creative settings like parties, it’s perfectly acceptable to be more daring in your color choice.

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