Things to Consider About Retirement Planning at Each Age

One of the biggest concerns for people of working age is their ability to retire comfortably. This concern is present whether you are just entering the workforce or nearing your departure. This is why it’s so important to ease your retirement planning fears with proper due diligence and preparation—that is, start saving no matter how small the amount.

the twenty’s

For most 20-somethings, retirement planning isn’t usually a priority. While this sentiment is certainly understandable because 20-somethings are more focused on building their career, starting to prepare for their departure from the workforce couldn’t start at a more perfect time. However, when it comes to twenty-somethings, the preparation is nothing like the preparation of a 50-year-old. That is, they can set themselves up for a better financial future by paying off credit card debt and student loan debt. Plus, they can start making other smart financial decisions, like signing up for a 401k or Rollover IRA and sticking to a budget. It also helps you live well and stay healthy so your exit from the workforce is as smooth as possible.


Retirement planning for 30-somethings is very similar to that for 20-somethings, with a few minor differences. At age 30, it’s important not only to do things like set and implement a budget, stay healthy, and contribute to your employer’s 401k, but also to maximize your contributions to your plans and have your savings automatically deducted. Specifically, you’ll want to try to live on 50 percent of your income and save more than 10 to 20 percent, as well as avoid taking on too much debt. Obviously, the last part is a bit tricky, since your 30s are usually the years when property debt accumulates, but if you save properly before you buy a home, you will lower your property debt.


At this point in your retirement planning, you’ll want to seek financial advice from the experts if you haven’t already. An expert will be able to provide you with specific advice to help you stay on track to reach your personal financial goals in preparation for your retirement from the workforce. Other recommendations include aggressive savings, including saving any bonuses and pay raises you may receive, as well as focusing on more conservative investment strategies.

fifty and more

For those over 50, retirement planning should be peaking. Two things are important during the years around retiring from the workforce: aggressive saving and conservative investing. You’ll want to do things like cut back on your expenses so you can save as much as possible, and that includes reducing your debt, too. Another important note is that people over the age of 50 will want to get into the habit of training to live on a reduced income, as this will help you easily move into the next phase of your life.

The right approach is essential to making your golden years as comfortable as possible. It’s never too early to start thinking about and preparing for your later years.

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